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hey whats up everyone we currently have 10 songs and are working hard at them so they will perfected. in the mean time we are tryin to make up two new songs but they have not been picked yet out of the new "beats" we have created.thats about it, later.

Hey we just got a new page on our website where you can see what we are writing for our songs, the lyrics anyway, this is all just jotting stuff down so some might be used in our songs and some might not. Check it out, its kool.  Seyaa.

hey what up were recording for real in a couple weeks our demos comin out real soon so keep checkin in. we just had two gigs they were awesome!

Hey what up just finished recording sounds amazing.New pix coming soon of us recording. the webcams going to be down for awhile cause its messed up but were trying to fix it soon, later.

6-10-03 hey whast up ive been putting our new songs from our pro demo on lately and im trying to get another one on cause suicide is painless has been on there awhile so a new one will be up in bout a week kj seyaa.

yo what up every one its been a kick ass summer so far we are currently working on new songs and we have ab out 3 done in a month and they are sounding good so check back and we might have them recorded and up soon seyaa.

Whats up all i know is its a friday. I just posted some more pics of me rockin out so ya check them out and, seyaa.
Hey its tuesday and i got some news for you, on friday we should have a new video from one of our previous band practices or us practicing and we are getting a chat room for the website so have fun with it, seyaa
new lyrics up and a new vidoe hope you like it,seyaa.
hey whats up i just got the chat room working so enjoy we also got an new video up and its awesome . it might not work for everyone so im working everything out. seyaa
Hey i just got our mailing list up so put your email in and we wiill let you in on all the latest stuff about our recording and our songs and the band.  We also got these awesome blink182 videos from the website of them recording their new album so download them they are awesome.seyaa.
Hey hows it going ryan here.  I put some new stuff on the site we are about to start recording our album and should be done in a couple months but we got about 11 songs down right now and still working on more, seyaa.